Do Hormone Levels REALLY Change Between Seasons? The Cyclical Rise and Fall of Testosterone and Estrogen

First things first…hormones are very complicated. There are a lot of environmental factors that play in to the amount of testosterone and estrogen our bodies produce. We know what you’re thinking…no one is calling you old. In fact, most of the environmental factors that affect hormone production and activity are NOT age related. Factors such as […]
Peptides: An Emerging Therapy in the World of Regenerative Medicine. How Do They Work?

Over the last decade, peptide therapy has become increasingly popular for its versatility and effectiveness. Peptides are the “building blocks” of proteins (aka amino acids). Many of our bodies natural processes are regulated by proteins (a large group of peptides compounded). For example, you’ve probably heard of “enzymes” before because of the role they play […]
How Common is Arthritis? When Should I See a Doctor for Joint Pain?
Arthritis is an incredibly prevalent and serious ailment that is currently impacting 1 out of every 4 Americans above the age of 30 (about 54 million adults or 16% of the population). What’s even scarier, is that it’s getting worse. By the year 2040, the prevalence of arthritis is anticipated to reach approximately 78 Million adults. Part […]
Are Synthetic Hormone Therapies Safe? Why Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is Safter Than Traditional Synthetic Hormones

What does “Bio-Identical” mean? The term “Bio-Identical” refers to the chemical structure of the hormones used in the treatment. Essentially, it means that the molecular structure of the hormones used in BHRT contains the same compounds as Hormone Replacement Therapy, and therefore, elicit similar results. While the molecular structure of these two treatment options is […]
3 Important Reasons You Should Be Monitoring Your Hormone Levels
Hormones play an essential role in regulating body processes such as sexual reproduction, muscle and soft tissue repair, joint inflammation, libido, and protein synthesis and conversion of macromolecules. Sometimes we associate the term “hormones” with puberty and sexual activity. But the reality is, hormones levels are absolutely essential to some of the body’s most important […]
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