Knee pain can arise from many different parts of your knee. Depending on the location and severity of your pain, your provider can determine which orthopedic tests to perform during your exam to diagnose the cause of your pain.
Common areas of your knee that can cause pain include:
Knee pain can range from mild aching to severe, sharp pain. Your knee can also exhibit signs of swelling, bruising, and redness, in the case of traumatic injuries.
What causes knee pain?Depending on the location and severity of your knee pain, your provider can identify the cause of your pain. Common causes of knee pain include:
Your provider will ask questions about your knee pain to better understand when it began, or a potential cause — such as a sports injury — and things you do that might make the pain better or worse.
Knee pain is diagnosed based on your medical history and a thorough physical exam. In some cases, your provider may order X-rays or an MRI to identify injured structures in your knee.
During your physical exam, your provider will check the flexibility and range of motion of your knee as well as the strength of the muscles surrounding your knee.
Once your provider has completed your exam and reviewed any necessary imaging, they will make a diagnosis and provides comprehensive treatment recommendations.
For minor knee pain concerns, conservative care is often enough to resolve your discomfort and help your knee function normally. Conservative care usually includes stretches and exercises to improve the flexibility and strength of your knee.
For more complex cases your provider may recommend stem cell treatment, Hyaluronic acid (knee gel) injections or anti-inflammatory medication to relieve inflammation and pain.
If you have knee pain, get effective relief at Modern Concepts by booking an appointment online or over the phone today.